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Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple

Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple


Survey Finds that Holiday Weight Gain Is No. 1 Turn Off

Survey Finds that Holiday Weight Gain Is No. 1 Turn Off

posted by: Ximena Ramirez

For many the holidays are not only a time of joy, cheer, and good will but of eating, drinking, and then starting a new fad diet come the New Year.

Truth be told, fears of holiday weight gain give diet plans, pills, gyms, and exercise programs an edge as the masses ring in the New Year with resolutions of losing weight and getting fit.

Turns out there might be another reason for these weight loss promises – a breakup.

A new " style="color: rgb(12, 115, 158); text-decoration: none; ">UK survey from SlimWeight Patch found that weight gain is the number one turn-off in a relationship. In fact, gaining just 8 pounds over the holidays could have your partner looking elsewhere for a new mate.

According to the study, almost 42% of men interviewed said they would be less attracted to their girlfriend if she gained half a stone or 7 pounds.

5% said they would even consider ending the relationship.

Women on the other hand were more forgiving, or less body demanding of their male partners. Only 7% said they would find their partner significantly less attractive if they were to gain weight.

Of the study, Dr. Tim Thurlings from SlimWeight Patch said: "A lot of people will find these results hard to take and with Britain getting fatter as a nation it's surprising that weight gain can have such an impact on a person's perceived attractiveness."

I find this quote almost laughable.

It is no surprise to me that weight gain has an effect on a person's perception of their partner's attractiveness. It's even less of a surprise to me that men are less forgiving of their female partners for gaining weight.

That Thurlings finds this news "surprising" seems like an incredibly insincere statement, especially given that the success of his business relies heavily on people favoring a slim body.

But don't worry ladies, Thurlings has some last words of encouragement: "It can be easy to put on weight, particularly for women, so if your partner is shallow enough to ditch you then maybe you shouldn't be with them in the first place."

What do you think about the study? Surprised?


薯片致癌物 珍珍超標破紀錄

薯片致癌物 珍珍超標破紀錄
(經濟日報)2010年12月16日 星期四 06:00
【經濟日報專訊】薯片愈薄愈脆愈高危,本港90款薯片、炸薯及穀類早餐,幾乎全部驗出可能致癌的丙烯酰胺,當中內地生產的珍珍薯片,含量更創歷來紀錄,快餐炸薯則Burger King含量最多。

食物安全中心 推算港人攝取丙烯酰胺量,達須高度關注程度,消委會 籲不吃「高丙」薯片是最好。

食物安全中心於6至7月在市面抽查90款香脆零食、炸薯及焗薯、餅乾、穀類早餐等食品,結果僅得明輝印尼 蝦片沒有驗出可能令人患癌的丙烯酰胺。

港人攝取量 達高度關注程度

當中以源自中國的珍珍燒烤味薯片的丙烯酰胺含量最高,達3,000微克(以每公斤計,下同);在06年的同類測試,來自馬來西亞 的珍珍薯片僅含800微克。珍珍薯片代理香港百宜昨回覆,不作任何回應。


在快餐炸薯類別中,以Burger King的丙烯酰胺含量最高,達890微克。至於麥當勞 薯條的含量,則由上次的520微克減至今次的370微克,肯德基亦由850微克,減至74微克。


老鼠實驗 10%會誘發乳腺瘤




中大生命科學院副教授陳竟明引述美國 柏克萊大學的大鼠實驗指,平均每日每公斤攝取3.75微克丙烯酰胺可致腫瘤,以嚴謹十分一的數字推算人類攝取量,即等同70公斤成人要每日攝取8.75公斤上述最高量的薯片(即逾62包)。



Nutrient Effective for Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease

Nutrient Effective for Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease

posted by Michelle Schoffro Cook Dec 3, 2010 6:11 pm

More and more research is stacking up on the healing properties of resveratrol. Primarily found in grapes and blueberries, this powerful plant nutrient has been found to be an effective antioxidant that protects against free radical damage that is linked to many types of diseases. It has also been found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.

It has even been shown to allow blood to flow better through the blood vessels, giving it excellent potential with high blood pressure and heart disease. Studies at the University of Switzerland proved resveratrol’s brain-protecting ability. They found that resveratrol mopped up brain-damaging plaques and free radicals, which have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. So powerful is this important nutrient that it has even been referred to a “Reverse-it-all” by many health practitioners.

In numerous studies, resveratrol has had a positive effect on cancer. In another study, scientists identified resveratrol as a nutrient that activated the human gene for survival and longevity. Research also shows that resveratrol protects the skin from damaging UVB rays of the sun, thereby protecting it against skin cancer. What’s more, this potent nutrient has even been shown to protect the body against radiation therapy when used as an adjunct to radiation treatment of cancer.

Resveratrol works as an anti-inflammatory, which may be one of the reasons it may be effective for heart disease. In research, resveratrol demonstrated the ability to improve the dilation of blood vessels, which may allow blood to flow more easily through blood vessels. It has also been shown to relax the walls of the blood vessels, making their diameter larger, thereby lowering blood pressure (when it is high), and allowing a higher volume of blood to flow through all areas of the body, delivering increased oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. As a potent antioxidant, it supports the cells and organs in eliminating uric acid and other toxins from the body, thereby supporting muscle recovery for athletes.

You can obtain resveratrol primarily from red or purple grapes and blueberries. While red wine is a good source of this phytonutrient, its alcohol content can be damaging to brain cells and the liver, and can disrupt women’s delicate hormonal balance.

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