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Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple


研究: Omega-3脂肪酸強心臟

蘋果日報 2010年01月21日
【本報訊】心臟病康復者平時進食適量三文魚,或其他含豐富奧米加三型脂肪酸( Omega-3 fatty acids)的食物,有助減低復發風險。美國一項最新研究破解了奧米加三型脂肪酸護心之謎,科學家發現此脂肪酸可減慢染色體端粒( telomere)衰亡的速度,令心臟細胞變得強壯,減低心臟病復發風險。

近年科學研究已確定隨着染色體端粒的長度縮短,人體也會逐漸老化。加州大學的研究人員為 608名曾心臟病發的康復者抽血檢查,並針對化驗血細胞內的端粒長度,與奧米加三型脂肪酸水平的關係,參加者在研究期間並無刻意服食魚油丸等補充劑

在長達平均六年的跟進期內,發現兩者關係密切,奧米加三型脂肪酸水平最高的一群康復者,擁有最長的端粒,奧米加三型脂肪酸越低,端粒則越短,水平最低的一組患者,端粒縮短速度比水平最高的人快 2.6倍;研究再比較兩組人的心臟健康狀況,前者的復發風險明顯較低。


Another MUST read book. You will learn so much what h2o can do beyond your widest imagination.

Here is the link for more details about the author Dr.B and what he had done.

Your Body's Many Cries for Water
You are not sick, you are thirsty! Don't treat thirst with medications

[ View Details ]

hardcover; 180 pages with illustrations

" method="post">

This is an absolute must-read classic book on natural health. This ground-breaking book is the first of Dr. B's You’re not Sick, You’re Thirsty series of books. It introduces a new paradigm for preventing and treating many degenerative diseases. A self-help book that reveals the new knowledge of the amazing health values of natural, simple water in maintaining personal health.

What People are Saying:

"One man's solution to soaring health costs: water."

- Paul Harvey

"No miracles, just common sense, Dr. Batmanghelidj may have the last laugh."

Dr. Julian Whitaker, Health & Healing

"He is arguing for a new scientific approach that turns clinical medicine on its head."

Daily Mail, London, UK

"Dr.Batmanghelidj is a highly respected 'founding father' as far as information on the importance of water is concerned and his books describe in technically detailed, yet simple to understand language how dehydration affects the physiological process leading to the logical manifestation of symptoms, which are, in fact, simply the warning lights of dehydration displayed in various bodily areas."

Positive Health, UK

Minced Pork with Tofu

Don't know what else to cook while on HP program? Try this simple & easy to make dish.


Details of Sibutramine

Here is more info about Sibutramine. Details refer from
藥物教育資源中心 (Drug Education Resources Centre, DERC) 乃隸屬於香港醫院藥劑師學會(以下簡稱為學會) 的一個獨立及非牟利組織。
Sibutramine (西布曲明)
Author: soyw
Published: Tue, 28-Nov-2006

Printer Friendly Page Tell a Friend

學名: Sibutramine (西布曲明)

商品牌子名: Reductil (諾美亭)

藥物製造商: Abbott

劑型: 膠囊


HK-45883 (10毫克)

HK-45885 (15毫克)

孕婦用藥分級: C



用途: 用於減肥(須配合控制熱量攝取)


除了服藥外,適當的飲食和運動是非常重要的。 每星期應量度體重並記錄下來,以便跟醫生商量療程的進度,調較藥物劑量。 由於此藥可影響血壓及心跳,故在服藥期間宜定期作出檢查。

常見副作用: 頭痛、心悸、噁心、便秘、口乾、失眠等

其他副作用: 劑量增加可造成心跳加速及血壓上升

醫管局藥物分類: 自費藥物

藥物法例分類: P1S1S3(此藥為醫生處方藥物,須由藥劑師核實處方後配藥)



(明報)2010年1月22日 星期五 22:15

衛生署 基於最新研究結果,今日提醒市民安全使用含有「西布曲明」成分的藥物。

衛生署稱,歐盟 藥物管理機構(European Medicines Agency)基於最新研究結果,認為服用「西布曲明」所帶來的風險較其好處為高,該組織轄下的人用藥物委員會建議終止含有「西布曲明」藥物的銷售權。

發言人表示,美國 食物及藥物管理局研究有關研究數據後,要求製造商在產品標籤加上新的忌用字句,列明患有心血管疾病的人士不能服用「西布曲明」,而心血管疾病包括冠狀動脈病、中風 或短暫性腦缺血、心律不齊、充血性心衰竭、末稍動脈病症和未受控制的高血壓。



發言人表示,共有40款註冊藥物含「西布曲明」,全為處方藥物。現時產品說明書已包含註明警告字句,闡明患冠心病 、充血性心衰竭、心律不齊及中風的病人不應服用該等藥物。


「西布曲明」是一種用於抑壓食慾的西藥,其副作用包括導致血壓上升及心跳加劇,精神異常和可能痙攣,有心臟病 的人士不應服用。






Here is an old article from the author of the book I just posted.


2007 九月 16 21:05:47 PDT 来源:文匯报美洲版
























作者: 鄭佩琪


A good book highly suggested everyone to read! You will learn so much about reading the food label and be able to pick the right food for you & family. So many names on food labels are like alien to most of us but this book will help you understand what sort of junk the food manufacturer is adding into majority of the processed food we are buying.

中文書名: 看懂食物標籤
商品編碼(BARCODE): 9789621439222
國際書號(ISBN): 9789621439222
出版社: 萬里機構.萬里書店
作者: 鄺易行博士

Book Intro:

This will give you few samples how to read the label and these few sample are those food we always get from convenience store and keep in our office drawer, check it out what you had been putting in your mouth.... >.<
Book Preview:


Check this out, she kept it off for over 5 years now and was features in National Magazines after being treated at Lindora Health Clinic.

Gateway to Obesity

本已嬌小的 Rowen 使體型更孅巧

姓名: Rowen Lee
職業: 輔導主任
減重週期: 一個週期
減重成積: 請參閱附表
感受: 請參閱下文 (節錄自她的 blog)


由11月完結,至今已有2個月,我的體重無增加,反而還減了少許,現時體重是48kg,脂肪率是24.6%, 証明這個健康行是可以回復身體新陳代謝,最好是我亦不需做太多的運動.


2009-5-18 17:35:31 出处:北京晚报








Yolanda 享受食物, 不用擔心任何反彈

姓名: Yolanda Chiu

職業: 資深輔導員
現况: 進入終身維持期
纖體前 112磅 纖體後 104磅
纖體前 28% 纖體後 17%

最初進展緩慢, 教練發現我的新陳代謝極慢, 我選擇信任我的教練並且跟隨指導,現在已進入終身維持期, 我享受食物, 不用擔心任何反彈, 而營養保充品使我身體得到調理, 皮膚有彈性及光澤, 精神狀態改善而且精力旺盛 。


夢家班培訓中心開幕典禮 暨 HP PRO Team 啟動儀式


大會司儀Ronald Chan(Hillman大公子)

HP PRO TEAM 工作室及網頁正式啟動

特別嘉賓 - 蘭薇老師(專家顧問團隊之一)

表演嘉賓 - Dick Wong

Mental Magician - Mr. Romeo


U.S. agencies want to ban some kid food ads

U.S. agencies want to ban some kid food ads
Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:39pm EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a bid to tackle rising youth obesity, U.S. companies would be prohibited from advertising to children foods that contain large amounts of sugar or salt, or even low levels of trans fats, under a proposal released on Tuesday by a working group from several U.S. agencies.


The working group made up of members of the Food and Drug Administration, Federal Trade Commission, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Centers for Disease Control issued what it called tentative proposed standards for food marketed to children, defined as up to age 17.

Those foods could not have more than 1 gram of saturated fat per serving, 13 grams of added sugar, 200 milligrams of sodium or 0 trans fats, which they defined as more than half a gram, per normal serving.

At a related conference to discuss food advertising and any link it might have to obesity among children, Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services, said that if the obesity-related health risks -- high blood pressure and diabetes among them -- were caused by radiation "alarm bells would be going off across America. There would be a huge outcry."

Sebelius, who also admitted to a weakness for Cheetos, said that it was important for any changes in advertising rules to be across the board so that companies that eliminate child-oriented ads for unhealthy foods were not punished for it.

"We need to start doing a better job of regulating the types of ads our children see," she added.

Some food manufacturers have already reformulated some kid favorites to take health concerns into account. Kellogg, which makes Froot Loops, and General Mills, maker of Cocoa Puffs, have both said they would reduce the amount of sugar in some food advertised to children.

The chairman of the FTC, Jon Leibowitz, noted these and other steps forward.

"These changes have come in small increments," said Leibowitz. "Put simply, it is time for industry to supersize its efforts."

Dan Jaffe, executive vice president for government relations at the Association of National Advertisers, argued that advertisers were not to blame for the growing number of fat children and any restrictions on ads could run afoul of the First Amendment.

"The advertising community faces a real clear and growing threat of censorship," he said.

(Reporting by Diane Bartz, editing by Matthew Lewis)


Adverse consequences of obesity may be greater than previously thought

Adverse consequences of obesity may be greater than previously thought

Public release date: 22-Dec-2009
Contact: Emma Dickinson
BMJ-British Medical Journal

Research: The association between body mass index and mortality using offspring BMI as an indicator of own BMI: Large intergenerational mortality study
The link between obesity and cardiovascular mortality may be substantially underestimated, while some of the adverse consequences of being underweight may be overstated, concludes a study published on today.

This means that the adverse influence of higher BMI and obesity in a population is of greater magnitude than previously thought, say the authors.

Numerous studies have already investigated the link between body mass index (BMI) and mortality. They show that high BMI is associated with higher rates of death from cardiovascular causes, diabetes, and some cancers, while low BMI is associated with increased mortality from other causes, such as respiratory disease and lung cancer.

But there are inconsistencies in the evidence that low body mass index actually increases the risk of causes of death such as respiratory disease and lung cancer.

Some researchers argue that this association may be biased by a process called reverse causality, where a severe illness, such as lung cancer, leads to both weight loss and higher mortality. Other factors such as smoking and poor socioeconomic circumstances may also lead to biasing estimates. This is known as confounding.

So a team from the University of Bristol and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden set out to obtain a valid estimate of the association between body mass index (BMI) and mortality by comparing, for over one million Swedish parent-son pairs, the BMI of the sons as young adults with mortality among their parents.

Using offspring BMI as an indicator of parental BMI avoids problems of reverse causality and is less influenced by confounding, explain the authors.

Their analysis shows strong associations between high offspring BMI (used as a so-called instrumental variable) and parental mortality from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers, as reported in other studies of own BMI with mortality. However, unlike previous studies, there was no evidence of an association between low BMI and an increased risk of respiratory disease and lung cancer mortality.

These findings suggest that the apparent adverse consequences of low BMI on respiratory disease and lung cancer mortality may be overstated, whereas the adverse consequences of higher BMI on cardiovascular disease mortality may be substantially underestimated, say the authors.

These conclusions have important implications for public health practice because they suggest that reducing population levels of overweight and obesity (or preventing their rise) will have a considerable benefit to population health, they add. Suggestions to the contrary, which have received considerable media attention over recent years, are probably misguided.


Change your eating behavior for 2010

The Allure of “Fast Food”
The Better Life Experts | June 5, 2009

We all know that eating a diet comprised primarily of take-out, fast food, is dangerous to our health. Yet, we continue to feed our bodies with high fat, high calorie and low nutrition foods from drive through restaurants and convenience stores as if we didn’t know any better. Why do we persist in refueling our bodies with nutritionally low-grade food products?

Perception has quite a lot to do with choosing fast food as fuel. We think that it is more convenient to pick something up for lunch or on the way home from work that is already prepared. We believe that it is cheaper than making a lunch or dinner from non-processed foods – Who has the time to cook? Add the general dislike of mainstream American culture for cooking and you have the ingredients that make fast food a growth industry.

Habitual behaviors may also play a big role how we make food choices. Eating fatty foods can be viewed as one of many habits that arise as a result of specific neural activity patterns made in the brain. These familiar neuronal pathways make it difficult for people to break habitual patterns of behavior. Many of us are conditioned during childhood with sweet or fatty foods as rewards or treats. The Easter Bunny brings chocolate, we celebrate our birthdays with cake and ice cream, the Christmas season sends us over the edge with pies, cookies, towers of candy, stuffing, heaps of mashed potatoes, etc. Neural pathways develop which equate feeling good with eating foods that are fatty, sweet and high in calories. These routes through the brain can be viewed as ruts in a road. The more we travel down the same path, the deeper the furrows become. We need to fill in these ruts and build new neural pathways for our brains to follow by breaking poor food habits, which includes substituting healthier choices in place of fast food meals. During the last decade neuroscientists have discovered that our brains are capable of creating an endless number of new neural connections through thought patterning.

Maybe it’s time for some of us to rethink our misconceptions about food and try some new paths on our way to a better life – ones that don’t involve stopping at old haunts on rutted roads.

Copyright © 2009 Better Life Unlimited™



解構各種醣類 【明報專訊】

(葡) 葡萄糖(glucose或dextrose)
(果) 果糖(fructose)
(半) 半乳糖(galactose)



明報2009年10月26日 星期一