HealthPointe 2.0 促進健康及體重的簡單方法





Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple

Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple


常食新鮮魚 減患心血管病風險

常食新鮮魚 減患心血管病風險

5月29日 星期六 00:04

當營養不良和傳染病不再是一個國家或地區所面對的主要威脅時,當地成年人的主要致命原因往往是心腦血管疾病(包括高血壓、心臟病 、腦中風 和周邊血管疾病等)。除了極少數人因為受到先天性發育異常或遺傳因素影響而患有心腦血管疾病外,絕大多數心腦血管疾病的成因是與個人不健康的生活方式有着密切關係。


以魚類爲主要食糧的愛斯基摩人幾乎沒有動脈硬化性疾病。香港和日本 是世界上人均食魚最多的地區,也是心血管疾病死亡率最低和平均期望壽命最長的地區。世界各地在自然人群中進行的大型前瞻性隊列研究發現,每日至少一餐食魚的人和每月食魚少於一次的人相比,前者發生動脈硬化性心臟病的機會只是後者的60%。歐洲在冠心病 病人中進行的臨床試驗也表明,每日食魚可以减少疾病的復發和死亡。

魚類含有豐富的牛磺酸,它可直接參與控制血壓及調節脂肪代謝。而魚油中富含的奧米加-3多不飽和脂肪酸具有調節血脂,預防動脈粥樣硬化的重要作用。牛磺酸是一種半必需的氨基酸,人體可從蛋氨酸及胱氨酸的代謝過程中獲取一部分,其他部分就必須從食物中補充。而奧米加-3多不飽和脂肪酸是人體不能製造的必需脂肪酸,所以必須從食物中攝取。魚類食品可爲人類提供優質的蛋白質 、氨基酸、不飽和脂肪酸,而不會顯著增加飽和脂肪酸和總膽固醇的攝取量。






【本報訊】再有減肥減出禍事故。美國食物及藥物管理局( FDA)表示,至今發現 13宗因服含奧利司他、俗稱「排油丸」的減肥藥後肝臟嚴重受損個案,有關藥物須更改標籤提醒消費者小心服食後的風險。本港衞生署則表示,市民服食減肥藥物時,應先諮詢及跟從醫護人員指示,盡量減低風險。


FDA昨日警告,現時已確認有 13宗服食著名熱賣減肥藥「愛纖伴」( Alli)及「賽尼可」( Xenical)後導致罕見肝臟嚴重受損,包括肝臟死亡或肝衰竭等個案,其中兩人死亡、三人因肝臟嚴重衰竭須等候肝臟移植續命。兩種藥物都含有「奧利司他」( orlistat)成份;愛纖伴主要由葛蘭素史克藥廠生產,每粒藥丸含 60毫克奧利司他,賽尼可則由羅氏藥廠生產,每粒藥丸含 120毫克奧利司他。 FDA已要求更改有關產品標籤,加上可能導致肝臟受損的警告字眼。
現時全球約有四千萬人服用有關減肥產品。本港衞生署表示,本港共有三種註冊產品含有奧利司他,包括賽尼可( Xenical)、脂樂克( Zerocal)及愛纖伴( Alli)。前兩者含有奧利司他 120毫克,須有醫生處方及在藥劑師監督下方可售賣;愛纖伴含有奧利司他 60毫克,只要有藥劑師監督便可售賣。




愛纖伴 Alli

愛纖伴 Alli

賽尼可 Xenical

賽尼可 Xenical







十個港人 四個體重超標

【本報訊】港人飲食越來越豐盛,體態也變得更豐滿,衞生防護中心警告,超重及肥胖已成為流行病,每 10名 15歲或以上人士中有 4人體重超標,港人花在減去身體贅肉的金錢也不少,五年內增加 92%,但效果成疑,故提醒市民減肥無捷徑,若減肥產品或療程出現「毋須節食或運動可大幅減磅」或「減肥效果持久」等字句,要特別小心。

健康減肥 每周減一公斤

衞生防護中心在新一期《非傳染病直擊》指,港人肥胖問題嚴重,而每年用於減肥的開支也很驚人。 2000年的數字顯示,市民花在參加減肥療程及購買減肥產品等開支達 13.4億元,到 2005年更增至 25.7億元,升幅達 92%。
該中心於去年 4月的行為風險因素調查中,訪問 2,158名成年人,有 16.8%人聲稱在一年內曾減肥,其中 16%是服食減肥藥物或產品, 6.1%人光顧纖體或美容中心,女士選擇服藥或接受纖體療程的比率遠高於男士。
雖然聲稱可快速減磅或毋須運動及節食也可減肥的廣告隨街可見,但衞生防護中心提醒市民減肥無捷徑,購買失實的減肥產品不但浪費金錢,更隨時危害健康;過度節食除會引致營養不良外,極低卡路里餐單(每日提供 800或以下千卡路里能量),會增加膽囊結石風險。健康減肥方法是每周減去 0.5至 1公斤,並於六個月內減去約一成體重。









張可琪 香港中文大學營養研究中心



我叫Jerry, 一直以來都相信"不論肥與瘦,健康就足夠", 所以縱使我知道自己超重、身形略胖只要沒有病痛,我都認為不必理會。
直至認識我太太Lancy的父親, 幾年前因心臟病只有五十多歲就去世。她父親患病期間令她及家人帶來沈重的壓力, 不過最痛苦的還是她父親本人。因此太太對我的身體健康分外關注,
作為一個愛惜太太的丈夫,決意選擇採用最健康的方法 - HealthPointe2.0減去過多的脂肪及體重。
我採用 HealthPointe2.0 五個星期左右了, 不但可以在正常飲食情況下體重減輕了4.9kg , 而且無需劇烈運動, 還令我整個人變得更有活力,更重要的是透過我的敎練, 使我學習到食物營養補充的價值, 身體對營養吸收的運作, 以及掌握真正健康良好的生活習慣。
一次投資就可以終身受用, 我極力向追求健康的人士推薦 HealthPointe2.0!


Tired of excuses? Try these steps to get fit and stay fit!

Tired of excuses? Try these steps to get fit and stay fit!

Sean Foy PhotoBy Sean Foy, M.A.
Learn more about Sean Foy and all of our Nutrilite health experts.

Have you ever heard yourself saying, “I’ve tried to exercise before but I just can’t seem to stick with it!” For many of us, exercise is at the bottom of our to-do list. If we get to it … we get to it! We know that exercise is good for us, will help us lose weight or keep weight off, and is the best thing for our health, but for some reason or another:

“I don’t have the time!”
“I am not motivated!”
“Exercise is a pain!”
“I don’t like to sweat!”
“I hate exercise!
… our best intentions seem to fail!

I want to encourage you, don’t give up! Whatever your challenge or whatever your experiences have been I want to share with you proven steps and helpful strategies to help you get fit and stay fit!

Getting started or starting all over again!

1. You CAN do it!
The first step to getting started and creating an active physically fit lifestyle is to begin believing that you can do it! No matter what your past experiences have been in getting or staying fit, no matter how many times you have tried and failed in the past … you have a choice right now to take responsibility for your future. Commit to changing today!

2. Determine your goals
Making fitness a regular part of your life entails “getting real” with yourself, identifying your current fitness level, and determining the level of fitness you want to achieve.

  • Where are you right now? (Which statement below best represents you?)
    • I plan to exercise (at least three days per week) in the next six months.
    • I plan to exercise (at least three days per week) in the next month.
    • I am taking action now to exercise (at least three days per week).
    • I have been exercising regularly (at least three days per week) for at least the last six months.
  • What do you “wish” to accomplish in the future? Ask yourself, “If I were as healthy and as fit as I could possibly be, what would I look like? What would I feel like? What would be different about me? How would being fit and healthy benefit my life?” Take a few moments to dream and write down anything that comes to your mind.
  • What do you “want” to accomplish in the next year?Break down what you would like to accomplish in the next week, month, three months, six months, and the next year as it relates to your health and fitness.
  • What “ways” will help you reach your desired goals?Relating to your fitness program, ask yourself this question, “What is one thing that I can start doing on a regular basis that I KNOW will help me reach my desired fitness goals? Maybe it is getting up earlier to walk before work, committing to a fitness event (5K run or a charity walk), or hiring a personal trainer. Take some time to brainstorm the possibilities.
  • What are you “willing” to do to reach your goals? Be realistic about the obstacles that could stop you from getting back or staying on track. Do you travel a lot, have small children, or work strange hours – are you willing to look for ways to find fitness time that might not be the norm? Set up accountability systems to help “coach” and support you to do the things you know are best for you.

3. Check your fitness expectations
Thoughts of “I am going to get skinny in a month” or “I am going to work out every day of the week for two hours a day” can sink your fitness plan before you even begin. Setting unrealistic fitness expectations can lead to disappointment about progress, decrease self-confidence, and cause termination of your fitness program.
Instead of setting unrealistic goals and results, start your new fitness routine by systematically “planning experiences” that you know you can achieve.

Instead of beginning your future fitness program with the idea that you will exercise six days a week when you have not exercised in six months, begin by planning to:

  1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator three out of five days this week.
  2. Park your car a little farther away and walk into work.
  3. Walk for 10 minutes, three days this week, at lunch.
  4. Perform your 4-3-2-1 Workout for 10 minutes at least three days this week.

Remember, you don’t have to be perfect to be personally fit! If you miss an exercise session or were inactive for a short period of time, which will happen, don’t beat yourself up. Simply assess your lifestyle at the time, learn from it, forgive yourself, and plan to get back into your new active lifestyle as soon as possible.

Maintaining an active healthy lifestyle requires confidence, a good plan, persistence, and most importantly personal forgiveness! Put this all together and the future of your fitness looks very bright!

Can your genes help your jeans fit better?

Can your genes help your jeans fit better?

Every day you are bombarded with messages promoting “your perfect diet program,” and with 120 million overweight or obese Americans, you’ve got to wonder if those programs are working!

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently lists obesity as an epidemic, and many books and reports support that statement with some hard-hitting facts:

Startling obesity statistics:

  • Adults
    • 120 million Americans are overweight or obese.1
    • 1.2 billion people worldwide are overweight or obese.
    • 60% of men and 50% of women are overweight or obese.2
    • Average weight of Americans is growing two pounds per year.
    • Estimated health-care costs of 1 million obese people between the ages of 35 and 84 = $345.9 million annually.
  • Children
    • 30–50% of new type 2 diabetes diagnoses are children 9–19 years old.
    • American Academy of Pediatrics states that children as young as 8 years old are starting cholesterol-lowering medication.

What if dieting was easier?
What if there was a product to help you understand your specific weight-loss genetic makeup? Sound futuristic? It’s not. It’s the Inherent Health™ Weight Management Genetic Test.

It’s a scientific fact. You are more likely to lose weight with the diet matched to your genotype results. In a recent clinical study conducted by a major university, people lost over 2.5 times more weight with a diet recommended by the Weight Management Genetic Test, versus people on a genotype-inappropriate diet. People on the genotype-matched diet lost 13.2 pounds on average – and many lost much more! The best news: Other health factors may also improve with a genotype-matched diet. This innovative product and impressive clinical data was presented to the American Heart Association in March and has been featured in major national publications and on television.

Stop guessing if a diet is right for you!
It is always great to hear from someone who has actually used the product.

“Out of a million diets, a genetic test predicted which diet should work best for me! I’d had it with diets. Then a friend told me about this new genetic test – it revealed what kind of weight-loss program she needed, based on her DNA. So I got a test for myself. All it took was a simple swab of my cheek at home, then I sent it to the lab. My test report came back with a personalized diet and exercise plan to work with MY genes! No more guessing!”

Inherent Health is an Amway Global Partner Store. Visit Inherent Health to hear from others who have experienced the weight management genetic tests and to learn about other genetic tests – Heart Health, Nutritional Needs, Bone Health – that can help you live a full, active life.

Nutritional Needs Genetic Test analyzes genetic variations in your body and can help you gauge your nutrition needs of B vitamins and antioxidants/phytonutrients so you can modify your diet.

Bone Health Genetic Test will analyze your IL1 gene, and your vitamin D and estrogen receptor genes. Identifying your bone health risk will allow you to take action sooner to keep your bones strong for life.

Heart Health Genetic Test is the only test that uses IL1 gene variations to identify risk of heart attacks. By knowing your genetic risk, you can take specific steps to reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease.

1The Optimal Health Revolution, by Duke Johnson, M.D.
2North American Association for the Study of Obesity.


Is protein the magic ingredient for weight loss?

Is protein the magic ingredient for weight loss?
By Julianne Downes, R.D.
Certified Weight Management Trainer
Learn more about Julianne Downes and all of our Nutrilite health experts.

Protein has the best reputation of all the macronutrients. So, how does protein work toward weight loss and what are appropriate sources of protein in your diet?

Protein is a macronutrient, just like carbohydrate and fat. And a healthy diet includes a balance of carbohydrates to protein to fat calories. Each macronutrient has specific functions that are necessary for good health. Protein helps to curb your appetite – which may help you lose weight – and plays a crucial role in your body functions. Proteins provide structural features of body tissue and serve as immune-system antibodies or signaling molecules; and in the form of enzymes and hormones, proteins can help to regulate sleep, digestion, and ovulation.1

For these functions and others, your body requires complete proteins.

  • Complete proteins come from animal or soy foods and contain all nine essential amino acids that must be supplied by food or dietary protein.
  • Incomplete proteins include plant proteins like vegetables, nuts, and legumes. They are called incomplete because they lack one or more of the nine essential amino acids. Yet, combinations of plant proteins that complement each other such as rice and beans, peanut butter and bread, or hummus and pita can meet your body’s protein requirements without eating meat or soy.

To maintain a healthy weight, don’t overdue your protein – or any macronutrients. If you consume more protein than you need, you could gain weight. Even if you are highly active (exercise daily for an hour or more), the recommendation is still that only 30% of your total daily calories – around one gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight – should come from protein.

Consuming more calories than you need in a day, even if they are protein calories, will cause your body to store the extra calories as fat. In 2009, a top medical journal concluded that reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize.2 So, the moral of the weight-loss story, keep calories down and keep those all important macronutrients balanced.

Protein is essential for good health and for healthy weight loss. Focus on sources of lean meat and plant proteins. Remember to not eat more of one food item at the expense of others. Leaving out vegetables, grains, and other healthy foods, can deprive your body of essential nutrients – especially phytonutrients – that are essential to living a full, active lifestyle.

NUTRILITE® Protein Powder provides 8 g of soy protein, 2 g of whey protein, nine essential amino acids, and 12.5 mg of isoflavones in each scoop.

AddingNutrilite Protein Bars to your diet can help you reach your healthy weight goals. Unlike other weight management protein bars, only the NUTRILITE Protein Bar offers 20 grams of high-quality, satisfying, and easy-to-digest protein. Sweetened with all-natural sweeteners, the bar is not only good for you, but delicious too.

1SportFuel, Inc.: The Truth about protein and weight loss.
2New England Journal of Medicine: Volume 360:859-873.









長期體重適中較長壽 蘋果日報 12-5-2010

不少女士為體重大上大落極感煩惱,澳洲一項研究發現若體重經常飄忽不定,或會令壽命縮短。研究分析了近 200名百歲人瑞的養生之道,發現他們一個重要的共通點──能保持體重長期穩定、不曾過胖或過瘦;不做「孤獨老人」也是長壽的要訣。
新南威爾士大學一項研究訪問了 188名百歲人瑞,結果發現可長期維持正常體重是一項重要指標,不足 5%受訪者曾過重或太瘦,少吸煙與酗酒並且定期做運動,是保持體重常用方法,反而他們對食物並不揀擇。另一項長壽秘訣是與親友保持良好關係, 88%受訪者表示至少一至兩周與家人接觸一次,當中更有 26%每日都與家人接觸;雖然年事已高,但 76%人瑞仍定期參加社區活動。負責研究專家認為遺傳對長壽的影響輕微,個人生活習慣佔的比重更重要。