HealthPointe 2.0 促進健康及體重的簡單方法





Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple

Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple


亂食減肥品 唔死都失常



近年66宗入院 1死1換肝









12年天天吃快餐 肥了 76磅經理癡肥 麥當勞賠 13萬

美聯社/美國《時代》周刊 2010年10月30日

天天吃麥當勞快餐,吃足 12年,換來的是 34公斤( 76磅)肥肉,以及 17,500美元(逾 13.6萬港元)賠償。巴西一名麥當勞餐廳前經理,指自己變成癡肥,全是在該餐廳工作 12年之故,入稟索償,周二獲法官裁定得直。
32歲原訴人在巴西南部阿雷格里港( Porto Alegre)的麥當勞特許經營店任職 12年,體重由 70.3公斤( 155磅),大幅增至 104.8公斤( 231磅)。
提供免費漢堡包 麥當勞快餐卡路里高,多吃易肥。
該名男子聲稱,由於麥當勞集團會派「神秘顧客」到餐廳,調查食物水準、服務質素和店舖清潔程度,因此「每天都有種被迫的感覺」,要試遍餐牌上所有食物,以確保質素達標。此外,他指餐廳方面向員工提供免費餐點,包括漢堡包、炸薯條和雪糕,結果令他每天都吃大量麥當勞食物,吸收大量卡路里,因而令體形日益膨脹。法官周二裁定原訴人勝訴,下令麥當勞要為員工發胖負責,向該名前經理賠償 17,500美元,但指麥當勞可以上訴。麥當勞的巴西總部昨天表示正考慮上訴,指法庭的判決令人對麥當勞的工作環境有誤會,強調他們提供多元化食品選擇,員工可以選擇較健康食物。麥當勞在超過 100個國家設有逾 32,000間餐廳,全球員工超過 40萬。


10 Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol

10 Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol

posted by Delia Quigley Oct 27, 2010 10:10 am

In drugged America (or is it drunk America? Hmm, that’s a toss up), Americans are blindly medicating when really the answer is a simple change of diet and exercise. With 1 in 5 Americans testing high for cholesterol it’s no wonder cholesterol-fighting drugs are the most popular ones on the market. Lipitor is the most prescribed cholesterol lowering medicine world-wide; and though it is handed out like candy, there can be some nasty side effects when taking these kind of drugs including, aggression, hostility, headaches, muscle pain, and diarrhea.

On the other hand, eliminating high fat processed foods and eating whole grains and vegetables instead can easily lower high cholesterol. To help control high cholesterol levels due to genetic factors recent studies suggest that a more natural approach would be to take a red rice yeast extract along with eating a whole foods diet and adding exercise. However, when transitioning on to a higher quality diet make sure to have your medical practitioner monitor your statin levels, as you will need less and less until they become a distant memory.

Next: 10 Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol

The following list are specific foods known to help cleanse cholesterol build-up in the arteries and heart. This is due to their high levels of fiber, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Lecithin, Vitamin E, C, Niacin and Rutin.

Legumes: beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, mung and soybeans and their sprouts. (Non-GMO)
Whole Grains: buckwheat, rye, amaranth, quinoa rice, and sprouted hard winter wheat.
Vegetables: radish, horseradish, hot peppers, onions, garlic, leek, scallion, shallot, chive, leafy greens, cabbage, spinach, carrot greens, kale, broccoli, parsley, asparagus, bell pepper, celery, sea vegetables, cucumber, chlorella, mushrooms.
Fruits: citrus, tomato, rose hip, banana, and persimmon.
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, hazelnut, flax seed, chia seed, pumpkin seed, poppy seed, walnut, sunflower sprouts.
Fish: sardine, salmon, mackerel, and deep/cold-water fish.
Raw honey and Bee Pollen
Herbs: Hawthorne berry, dandelion root, burdock root, chaparral, peppermint (for heart palpitations and strengthening heart muscle), cayenne pepper, ginger, rhubarb root, yarrow, chamomile, motherwort, valerian.
Oils: Naturally you will want to avoid the so-called “bad saturated fats” and focus on getting a balance of the “good fats”, such as the Omega-9, Olive, Hazelnut, Almond and Sesame oils; and the Omega-3 and 6, Walnut and Grapeseed oils. It has been proven that a balanced intake of Omega-3 and 6 oils along with high levels of Omega-9 significantly reduce the risk of dying from a cardiovascular related disease.

Most importantly eat a wide variety of whole foods to insure you receive all the essential nutrients you need to keep your body strong, healthy and drug free.

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奶精累事 襲港台茶 糖脂陷阱




到底奶精所含的物質會否影響人體健康?香港中文大學 生化系副教授何永成博士指,「奶精內的氫化植物油是一般的植物油,跟牛油一樣,基本上對人體無害。不過,近二、三十年開如始有研究指出,脂肪酸會助長癌細胞形成,所以含油量高的食物和飲料還是不應過量攝取,因此不建議每天也飲用此類台式飲品。」何博士認為有關部門應進一步抽檢這類飲料,進行化學測試,了解內含原材料,尤其是測試其添加的植物油,會否含有反式脂肪。




除了食用安全方面的考慮外,台式飲料還會對健康有何影響?黃榮俊指,以珍珠奶茶為例,一杯已約有五百卡路里,而內裏的「珍珠」,即是粉圓,多須先以糖水浸泡保持甜味,糖分自然很高,「糖分高首當其衝會影響血糖值,尤其對糖尿病 人及血糖不穩定的人士會有較大影響,必須控制飲用分量。小朋友若經常飲用,更會引致肥胖問題。」黃榮俊稱。









20年來癡肥童勁升 60%

蘋果日報 醫療短波 2010年10月25日
全球兒童肥胖問題惡化,世界衞生組織一份最新研究報告估計,過去 20年過重或癡肥的兒童比率勁升 60%,研究顯示在 1990年, 5歲以下幼童的肥胖比率為 4.2%,但到今年已急升至 6.7%,到 2020年更會上升至 9.1%;已發展國家的兒童肥胖比率較高達 11.7%,發展中國家則為 6.1%,但隨着生活水準提升,不少非洲國家的兒童肥胖問題會惡化,例如埃及就有超過兩成兒童是過重。



Apple health: 2010年10月14日 蘋果日報

市面上有不少辣椒膏及辣椒素等減肥產品,但科學家發現不論是內服或外敷,消脂的效用非常有限,研究發現每日服食最高劑量含 9毫克辣椒素的補充劑,只可減去約進食一個蘋果或橙的卡路里,對需大幅減磅或極速瘦身的人幫助不大。研究又顯示辣椒素發出的熱力,不能提高新陳代謝率。美國路易斯安那州立大學轄下一個生物醫學研究中心,邀請 78名健康男士參與研究,他們先量度脂肪比率,再分成三組,第一組每日服食含 9毫克辣椒素的藥丸,第二組則服食 3毫克,第三組則服食安慰劑,但三組人每日的進食及運動量相若。四周後再量度脂肪比例,結果顯示各人的變化不大,但服食 9毫克辣椒素的男士,脂肪略為減少,推算辣椒素可每日減去約 50卡路里,即一個蘋果、橙或雪梨、 10粒提子或一片低脂芝士的熱量。由於進食辣椒素的減肥效果有限,相信外敷辣椒膏絕不能消脂。


Is Your Liver Stressed?

Is Your Liver Stressed?
posted by Michelle Schoffro Cook

Your liver is truly miraculous. It has over five hundred different functions, making it one of the most overworked organs in your body. A few of these functions include: storing certain vitamins, minerals and sugars for use as fuel; controlling both the production and excretion of cholesterol; and creating the thousands of enzymes that control virtually every function of your body. The liver also secretes a substance called bile that is stored in the gallbladder and helps to break down fats. The liver metabolises proteins, fats and carbohydrates and performs more biochemical tasks than any other organ in your body.

It must filter all foreign substances that enter your body, including: alcohol, tobacco, environmental pollutants, food additives, pesticides, common cosmetic ingredients, household products, pharmaceutical and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, caffeine, and much more.

The average person consumes fourteen pounds of food preservatives, additives, waxes, colourings, flavors, antimicrobials, and pesticide residues–all of which have to be filtered by your liver. It is critical in our modern age of chemical exposure to keep your liver functioning as efficiently as possible.

There are many signs or symptoms of liver stress. Yes, of course, these symptoms can be related to other conditions so you should always consult a physician if you’re suffering from any symptoms. And, yes, many people will have some of these symptoms. But, if you have many of the following symptoms you may wish to support your liver through diet and lifestyle improvements.

Here are many of the symptoms and conditions linked to a stressed out liver:




-bad breath or a coated tongue;

-chronic fatigue syndrome;

-cravings for sweets;


-environmental illness/multiple chemical sensitivities;



-fluid retention;

-headaches and migraines;


-high blood pressure;

-high cholesterol levels;


-hypoglycemia (unstable blood sugar levels);

-hormone imbalances;

-immune system disorders;

-irritable bowel syndrome;

-mood swings;

-overweight or obesity;

-poor digestion or indigestion;

-recurring nausea and/or vomiting;

-skin diseases; and

-ulcerative colitis.

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