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Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple


少兩吋腰圍減脂肪肝病發 中大研究:風險降低八成


中大內科及藥物治療學系於 06至 09年間,為 52名華裔脂肪肝患者進行兩次抽取肝組織檢查,評估脂肪肝在三年間的惡化速度。並定期檢查肝酵素、腰圍、血糖及膽固醇等因素。研究顯示,在初次肝活檢時有 13名患者的肝臟沒有發炎, 39名患者則已有發炎迹象,當中更有 25人已呈肝纖維化,其中一人更已肝硬化。
當研究員三年後再為患者進行肝活檢時,發現本來沒有發炎的 13名患者中,有 8人肝臟已開始發炎,本來已發炎的 39名患者中,有 18人發炎程度加劇,更有兩人惡化至肝硬化,顯示脂肪肝的惡化速度其實甚快。


該系副教授黃煒燊指, 26名肝臟發炎惡化的患者的腰圍平均粗了 1.2厘米,相反發炎情況維持不變或有改善的患者,其腰圍則平均減了 3.9厘米。另一方面, 14名肝纖維化惡化的患者腰圍平均粗了 4厘米,但沒有惡化的患者則減少了 3.3厘米。
若比較減去肚腩對肝發炎及纖維化的影響,結果發現減兩吋腰圍的患者,只有 25%會有肝發炎情況,但無減腰圍的患者則有 63%風險;同樣地減去肚腩的患者,只有 6%會纖維化,較沒有減肚腩的組別有 37%纖維化機率大減 83%。


10 Food Swaps to Lower Blood Pressure

While blood pressure raises and lowers naturally, sustained elevation — otherwise known as high blood pressure, or hypertension — can damage your heart, kidneys, and even brain.

More than 65 million Americans have the condition — caused by stress, aging, a poor diet, not enough exercise, obesity, smoking, or just plain genetics — and which can be managed in part by cutting back on sodium, according to the American Heart Association.

The recommended daily allowance of sodium is no more than 2,300 mg — about 1 teaspoon of table salt — which adds up fast. These switches — also good for those who want to maintain low blood pressure — can help you cut your salt intake without sacrificing flavor.

1. Say No to Pre-Packaged Frozen Dinners
They’re quick and easy to prepare, but many frozen meals also pack a huge sodium punch — as much as 1,800 mg in one dish, according — and many of them don’t have enough vegetables to help you meet your daily requirements. For fast meals on busy nights, freeze leftovers or try make-ahead casseroles that go from freezer to oven to table with a minimum of effort (like Emeril’s Mexican Chicken Tortilla version) to make sure you’re getting the right nutrients.

Worst case: Look for low-sodium, organic frozen meals.

Related: 3 Reasons Not To Eat Frozen Food

2. Trade Salt for Spices, Vinegar, or Fruit Juice
Start by adding fresh or dried herbs and spices — like rosemary, basil, dill, oregano, hot peppers, thyme — lemon or lime juice, flavored vinegars, and garlic in place of salt in your favorite recipes.

Related: 10 Spices That Heal

3. Try Oil and Vinegar For Salads
Salads, sandwiches, and stir-frys are often healthier than other dinner options, but you can inadvertently add too much sodium by pouring onketchup, mustard, soy sauce, and salad dressings. Try simple olive oil and balsamic vinegar on your greens, use fresh tomatoes on your burger, and look for low-sodium versions of other condiments — or just make sure to watch your portions (one tablespoon of regular ketchup has a whopping 160-190 mg of sodium). Some companies do the work for you, though: This spring, according to the Huffington Post, Heinz announced that it tweaked its classic ketchup recipe to cut the sodium by 15 percent in response to new FDA salt limits.

Related: Olive Oil for Flavor and Health

4. Trade Canned Soup, Broth, and Vegetables For Homemade
Canned goods are notoriously high in sodium — one serving can have as much as half your daily allowance — so you might be paying for the convenience. Soups and broths are easy enough to make yourself once you realize that they pretty much require two things — water and time — and you can flavor them with vegetables, herbs, and spices for low-cost meals that feed a crowd. Many companies also offer low-sodium or no-salt-added versions of popular soups, broths, and vegetables (but check the sodium levels on your frozen vegetables, too, especially if they come with seasonings or sauces: sodium often sneaks into those).

Try canning or freezing your own vegetables during the summer to eat all winter.

Related: The Hidden Harms of Excitotoxins

5. Avoid the Brine
Pickles, olives, sauerkraut, and just about any other vegetables that come in a brine may not feel unhealthy, but those brines were designed to preserve the food — which means there’s plenty of sodium floating around. Limit your indulgence in these foods, and try your hand at canning your own picklesfrom fresh cucumbers to be sure you know exactly how much salt you’re eating.

Related: 6 Foods That Weaken Bones

6. Cut Down on Cured Meats
Bacon, ham, salami, and other cured meats are another sodium obstacle: According to the NIH DASH eating plan, 3 ounces of lean meat, fish, or poultry contains between 30 and 90 mg of sodium, while the same amount of roasted ham contains 1,020 mg. Eat cured meats sparingly and replace them with fresh chicken, pork, fish, or even no-salt-added canned tuna. Watch out for smoked and processed versions, too — they’ll also increase your sodium levels.

Related: Top 10 Food That Increase Cancer Risk

7. Reach for Unsalted Popcorn Over Salty Snacks
It doesn’t take a dietitian to realize that salty snacks are higher in sodium than sweet ones — that’s something your tastebuds can probably tell you all by themselves. In a perfect world, you’d replace all those cravings for crackers, chips, and pretzels with fresh fruit slices and carrot sticks — but when you just can’t resist a snack attack, look for healthier versions, like no-salt popcorn, low-sodium crackers, or unsalted chips.

Related: 5 Best Snacks for Energy

8. Substitute Whole Wheat Flour For White Flour
Choosing whole wheat pasta, rice, bread, cereal, and snacks can help lower blood pressure in several ways: You’ll be skipping a lot of processed and salted foods by default (since many of them are made with white flour), and they can help you lose weight, which lowers your risk of developing many health conditions (including high blood pressure). Make oatmeal, rice, and pasta without adding salt to the cooking water, and you could end up with as little as 5 mg of sodium per serving.

Related: Grains – Easy Greening

9. Say No to Buttermilk
Buttermilk has more than twice as much sodium as a cup of its less-flavorful cousin, low-fat milk, which means you could be adding a lot more than just taste to those pancakes. Stick with regular milk and natural (not processed) cheese as part of a low-sodium diet, since they also contain blood-pressure-lowering potassium.

Related: Healthy Milk Alternatives

10. Stock Up on Dark Chocolate
Okay, here’s one piece of good news: Dark chocolate doesn’t need to go on your list of foods to avoid, since some studies have shown that the flavanols it contains can help lower blood pressure by helping dilate blood vessels. As with any treat, you don’t want to eat too much of it — but in small amounts, it can have health benefits that go beyond a sugar rush.

Samantha, selected from TreeHugger Aug 26, 2010


「 心 臟 列 車 」 籲 做 運 動 保 健 康

「 心 臟 列 車 」 籲 做 運 動 保 健 康


大腸癌倍增 港第二殺手 乳癌前列腺癌同飈升

(明報)2010年8月18日 星期三
【明報專訊】與20年前比較,港人患癌個案增加逾五成,由1987年15,744宗增至2007年24,342宗,其中以大腸癌、乳癌 和前列腺癌的增幅最明顯,大腸癌更一躍成為癌症第二位殺手,肺癌則繼續排在首位。以前中國人較少患上的前列腺癌,亦由1987年的178宗飈升至2007年1205宗,增幅達5.8倍。腫瘤科醫生指出,港人的生活飲食習慣與西方相似,少菜多肉、少做運動、身體肥胖,是引發癌症的主要原因。

醫管局 聯網服務總監張偉麟說,醫管局香港癌症資料統計中心的資料顯示,比較以往20年,大腸癌、乳癌和前列腺癌的發病個案明顯增多。回顧1987年,大腸癌發病共1842宗,但在2007年已增至4084宗,乳癌則由911宗至增至2733宗(見表)。

壽命長 患癌風險增

東區醫院 臨床腫瘤科部門主管李詠梅表示,港人患癌宗數增加與人均壽命延長有關,現時男性平均壽命80歲,女性平均壽命86歲。「人老了,患癌的風險亦會增加,這是自然規律。」腫瘤科醫生岑信棠說,港人除了飲食習慣與西方相似,環境污染 亦是致癌症原因,在俄羅斯 和中國的工業區及村落,患癌的人數明顯較多。


李詠梅以1998年至2002年的數據分析,雖然港人患癌發病比例較歐美為少,但卻高於新加坡 ,在亞洲區來說算高,但她說,原來有三分之一癌症是可以預防的,港人應注意生活飲食習慣,多吃新鮮蔬果、減少高脂肪食物、減少酗酒、多做運動。



少吃鹹魚 鼻咽癌發病減

張偉麟說,患癌風險降低與吸煙的人數減少,令肺癌有放緩趨勢;而市民減少吃醃製食物如鹹魚,食物的染色料受控制,則令鼻咽癌發病率下降;政府為初生嬰注射乙型肝炎疫苗,減少肝硬化 和肝癌 ;像現時炎炎夏日,市民懂得曬太陽前會塗防曬油護膚,便可減少皮膚癌 。


HP PRO 體重管理講座

HP Pro Team教練團隊以專業的個別指導,致力為學員提升身體能量,質素及新陳代謝以達到理想體重。

HP PRO 體重管理講座
2010年8月19日 星期四 晚上7:30pm
舉行地點 :HP PRO Team 工作室


I think this should be legalized globally....


(明報)2010年8月14日 星期六 15:15

美國 三藩市 政府近日研究制定法例,禁止快餐店在出售高熱量兒童餐時,附送玩具,以減低兒童癡肥嚴重性。




附送玩具的套餐,據說每年在美國售出10億人份。該條例一旦通過,將對麥當勞 等快餐店帶來巨大打擊,因此該市餐飲協會對此表示反對。(綜合報道)


行路上學 強心健體減壓

健康視窗:行路上學 強心健體減壓




27 Top Cancer-Fighting Foods

Anti-Cancer Grocery List

Mushrooms: shiitake, maitake, reishi, Agaricus blazei Murill, and Coriolus Versicolor
Seaweed and other sea vegetables
Sweet potatoes

Chili peppers
Oranges and lemons

Seeds & Nuts

Herbs & Spices

Red wine
Soy products
Green tea and black tea

Full article pls refer to link below;


Skip Milk...

Skip Milk? Five Reasons to Avoid the Moo Juice
By: Care2 (View Profile)

Apart from being a good source of whey protein, there don’t appear to be any other benefits of dairy. To make matters worse, dairy seems to have detrimental effects to our health. Milk should be for calves (baby cows); most humans have a problem digesting it. I cannot tell you how many patients I’ve seen over the years whose chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, chronic sinusitis, and allergies cleared up when they stopped eating dairy. When people come to see me in my practice and I put them on a diet, I almost always remove dairy. Here’s why:
1. Dairy cows are fed the wrong food, which not only changes the nature of the milk, but causes health problems for the cows. They eat soy, corn, cottonseed meal, or other commercial feeds, which contain all sorts of things—including chicken manure and citrus-peel cake laced with pesticides. These foods aren’t appropriate for cows, who are ruminants and should be feeding on green grass in the spring, summer, and fall and on green feed, silage, hay, and root vegetables in the winter. Unfortunately, most dairy cows are kept in confinement, given antibiotics and hormones, and never see green grass their entire lives.
2. The milk is pasteurized. Pasteurization is the process of heating a liquid to a high enough temperature to kill certain bacteria and disable certain enzymes. It destroys enzymes, vitamins, denatures fragile milk proteins, kills beneficial bacteria, and promotes pathogens. Even calves fed pasteurized milk do poorly, and many die before maturity. Pasteurization was instituted in the 1920s to combat TB, infant diarrhea, undulant fever, and other diseases caused by poor animal nutrition and dirty production methods. But times have changed and modern stainless steel tanks, milking machines, refrigerated trucks and inspection methods make pasteurization absolutely unnecessary for public protection.
3. In some cases, milk is ultra-pasteurized to get rid of heat-resistant bacteria and give it a longer shelf life. Ultra high-temperature pasteurization is a process that takes milk from a chilled temperature to above the boiling point in less than two seconds. This process is utilized for the boxed milks that need to be kept at room temperature.
4. To make matters worse, milk is homogenized.Homogenization is a process that breaks down butterfat globules so they do not rise to the top. Homogenized milk is harder to digest, so proteins that would normally be digested in the stomach are not broken down and instead are absorbed into the bloodstream. Often the body reacts to these “foreign proteins” by triggering the immune system, causing inflammation. It can even trigger autoimmune problems. Homogenized milk has also been linked to heart disease, probably because of the fat globules that are dispersed by the process.
5. In addition to being chemically altered into something that’s hard to digest and causes problems, today’s milk usually contains steroids, antibiotics, pesticides from treated grains, bacteria from infected animals, and genetically engineered growth hormones.
So if you do drink milk, I suggest you look for pure raw milk from grass-fed cows (which is hard to get in most states unfortunately), because it may not be the milk per se, but how milk is chemically altered that causes the problems.

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With more than 11 million members, Care2 is the largest online community of people making a difference in healthy and green living, human rights, animal welfare and more. At Care2, we believe that individual actions can collectively make a difference. Whether you start making differences in your home, your community, or across the globe, we are glad to help you on your journey. Join us today at



Apple health:蘋果日報 2010年08月03日

肥胖與高血壓息息相關,有人認為肥胖人士只要鍛煉好身體,即使體重超標也未必會令血壓上升,但美國一項研究發現,不管體能有多強,肥胖人士患高血壓的風險仍然較高,故建議需積極降低血壓的人士應由減肥入手。美國德州大學西南醫療中心一項研究跟進約 35,000人的健康狀況,發現與體重正常、體能狀況一般的人比較,體能較佳的肥胖一族,出現高血壓的風險仍然較高,體能欠佳的癡肥人士高血壓情況更嚴重,故打破了一般人認為可以「又肥又健康的傳說。負責研究的專家建議,患上高血壓的肥胖人士應先集中精力減肥,待體重回復至正常水平,才展開鍛煉體能的大計,在減肥期間除調節飲食外,適當運動也可幫助減磅,但全面提升體能則可待血壓回落才進行;而定期做運動有助預防血壓反彈。