職業: 物流公司經理
Name: Patrick Ho
Occupation: Logistics Manager

徤康行前 體重: 183 磅 脂肪率: 29% 腰圍: 38 吋
Before HP - Weight: 183 lbs Body fat: 29% Waist: 38''
徤康行2 個週期後 體重: 150 磅 脂肪率: 17% 腰圍: 31 吋
After HP 2 Cycles - Weight: 150 lbs Body fat: 17% Waist: 31''
徤康行六年後 體重: 165 磅 脂肪率: 20% 腰圍: 32 吋
After HP 6 Years - Weight: 165 lbs Body fat: 20% Waist: 32''
因體重問題多年來一直都受痛風的困擾,中醫、西醫、專科、針灸、推拿、氣功治療等等都試過。醫生說一是減肥,要不就長期吃藥可是減肥方法並沒提供。徤康行 不但改變了我個人體重和痛風之外,更令我懂得如何明智地揀飲擇食、重質而不重量地去享受食物!而這是學習一次而受用一生的飲吃知識,更可幫助到身邊我所關心的親朋戚友。
Due to weight problem, I had been suffering gout for years. Had tried Western doctor, Chinese doctor, specialist, acupunture, acupressure etc....Doctors say either I have to loose weight or be on medication on long term basis, except they never provide any method of reducing my weight. Health Pointe not only get rid of my weight and gout problem, it also tough me how to appreciate food wisely based on the quality instead of quantity. And this "learn it once and know how for the rest of your life" kind of knowledge not only benefits myself, it had helped the people closes and dearest around me as well.