兒童放縱飲食 年假恐增6磅肥膏
本港每4個學童中,就有1個體重超標。醫管局 健康資訊天地顧問兼註冊營養師陳國賓表示,農曆年假期間,接連拜年活動及開年飯,導致一日多餐,容易飲食失衡,「以一名8歲兒童為例,早餐吃蘿蔔糕、年糕及角仔各兩件,中午飲茶吃點心、拜年時吃的糖果小食,加上開年晚飯,一天攝取的總熱量達3500千卡路里,較標準1600千卡路里多出1900千卡路里。」
他續稱,若10日假期都是極端飲食,加上運動減少,便會額外攝取多近2萬千卡路里,增加5至6磅脂肪,連帶蛋白質 及水分吸收,實際增磅達8至10磅,以一名約100磅的學童計算,體重增幅近一成。「雖然小學生過完一個年增加數磅,家長不會察覺,但如果每個假期如是,就會出現梯級性肥胖,引發長期肥胖問題。」
近日天氣持續寒冷,更成為增磅高危期。陳國賓解釋,寒冷天氣令新陳代謝 速度減慢,同時會增加食慾。他提醒家長不要以「過年唔緊要」為藉口,讓子女在節日間放縱飲食,建議購買小食時留意包裝上的營養標籤,全盒亦宜放入乾果、麥餅等健康食品。
Hold the Fries! USDA Calls to Raise Nutrition Standards in School Meals
Hold the Fries! USDA Calls to Raise Nutrition Standards in School Meals
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is calling to raise the nutrition standards for school meals for the first time in 15 years, according to USA Today.
The government’s proposed rule, to be released on Thursday, includes offering students more fruits and vegetables, and limiting French fries, sodium and calories.
“This is ‘the first major improvement’ in the standards that ‘we’ve seen in a generation, and it reflects the seriousness of the issue of obesity,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told USA Today.
Implementing new school meal standards is part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that President Obama signed into law on December 13th. Despite a somewhat rocky road leading up to passage of the $4.5 billion bill, the new law provides a sweeping overhaul of child nutrition standards.
The bill was also a top priority for First Lady Michelle Obama and a cornerstone of her Let’s Move initiative aimed at combating childhood obesity in this country.
As USA Today reports, the requirements for school meals outlined in the proposed rule include:
- Decrease the amount of starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn and green peas, to one cup a week.
- Reduce sodium in meals over the next 10 years. A high school lunch now has about 1,600 milligrams of sodium. Through incremental changes, that amount should be lowered over the next decade to 740 milligrams or less of sodium for grades through 9 through 12; 710 milligrams or less for grades 6 through 8; 640 milligrams or less for kindergarten through fifth grades.
- Establish calorie maximums and minimums for the first time. For lunch: 550 to 650 calories for kindergarten through fifth grade; 600 to 700 for grades 6 through 8; 750 to 850 for grades 9 through 12.
- Serve only unflavored 1% milk or fat-free flavored or unflavored milk. Currently, schools can serve milk of any fat content.
- Increase the fruits and vegetables kids are offered. The new rule requires that a serving of fruit be offered daily at breakfast and lunch and that two servings of vegetables be offered daily at lunch. Over the course of a week, there must be a serving of each of the following: green leafy vegetables, orange vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, summer squash), beans, starchy and other vegetables. This is to make sure that children are exposed to a variety of vegetables.
- Increase whole grains substantially. Currently, there is no requirement regarding whole grains, but the proposed rules require that half of grains served must be whole grains.
- Minimize trans fat by using products where the nutrition label says zero grams of trans fat per serving.
"Currently, schools receive $2.72 from the federal government for every child who is on the free lunch program. Schools that meet the new standards will get another 6 cents per meal," says USA Today. They also report that the USDA is asking for input on the proposed rule during a public comment period that ends April 13th. "When the regulation is final, schools will be required to meet the new standards to get government reimbursement on school meals."
Every day across the country, nearly 32 million children eat lunch and nearly 11 million children eat breakfast at school. The University of Michigan reported last spring that middle schoolers who regularly eat school lunches have higher LDL (bad) cholesterol and consume twice as many fatty meats and sugary drinks than children who bring lunch from home.
About 25 million children and adolescents in the U.S. are obese or overweight, putting them at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other health problems. At today's rate, one child in every four, and one in three will develop diabetes in his or her lifetime, according to Slow Food USA. For African-American and Hispanic children, that number rises to one in two.
And a study published in 2005 found that the current generation of kids could very well be the first in 200 years to lead shorter lives than their parents – all because of obesity.
Economic disparities abound within school districts, and there are schools that have already adopted healthier menus. Access to good nutrition should not be a privilege based on wealth. Given that children consume 30 to 50 percent of their calories in school, it's high time that school meal programs guarantee all children healthy, nutritious food. Our nation's future depends on it.
(星島日報 報道)1. 斷食法:斷食多指在一、兩天不進食正餐,只喝水、湯等充飢,胡凱恩指,一般人如只是斷食兩至三天,期間有吃水果和飲湯,基本上不會構成太大問題,但如果斷食一星期以上,即會出現營養不良、精神不佳,繼而影響日常生活。另外,斷食之後回復飲食,體重亦容易回升,更會影響胃部健康。她警告本身胃部健康欠佳和糖尿病患者不要進行斷食。
2. 營養粉代餐:代餐通常只有約一百個卡路里,遠低於成人每餐應攝取的五百個卡路里。節食者常會以代餐去取代三餐之中的其中一餐,而其餘兩餐則照常進食。胡凱恩指,代餐因沒有口感,之後再進食時便有機會不自覺多吃,體重容易反彈,而且代餐熱量極低,未必能為身體提供充足的能量去應付日常需要。她建議,可以較清淡的通粉、三文治或麥皮代替飲用代餐。
3. 塗抹燒脂膏:坊間有售的燒脂膏,聲稱塗抹後可燃燒身上多餘脂肪。但胡凱恩強調,這類產品並不能直接進入皮膚,部分更有可能致敏,令皮膚出現紅腫、痕癢等情況。她續指,塗抹產品後皮膚出現發熱、身體流汗等情況並不等於可幫助燒脂,而有些人誤以為「焗桑拿」可以減肥也是沒有根據的。只有做運動令心跳加快、呼吸變得急促才有燒脂的效果。
4. 使用纖體儀器:部分人會使用一些纖體儀器來幫助減磅,但胡凱恩指出,儲存在身體內的脂肪並不能用外力推出,這類儀器只是透過按摩作用令肌肉變得較結實,另外也可以幫助排出多餘水分,所以「做機」後好像變得較苗條,但實際上減去的只是水分而非脂肪。
營養標籤1/8失實 零檢控
消委關注 恐病者錯吃
本報化驗樣本 證資料失實
抽取自北角入口零食店的日清朱古力脆餅Crisp Choco(咖啡味),營養標籤只標示「每8塊餅」含2.05克飽和脂肪,沒有依法例要求交代每8塊餅的重量,本報化驗顯示,此產品每100克實含12.5克飽和脂肪。
食物安全中心回覆本報時證實,由法例2010年7月1日實施至12月底,他們共抽驗了240個食物樣本核實,結果發現有30個樣本的化驗結果與標籤標示的營養成分不符,其中4樣本已修正營養標籤資料,其餘14件產品已停售或正作修正。至於另外12個樣本,中心仍在跟進。對於上述問題食品名單,中心沒有進一步消息提供。食環署去年表明,營養標籤法例實施首年,他們會先向違法者警告,3 個月不作更正才檢控。
明報記者 陳佩儀 曾愛盈