HealthPointe 2.0 促進健康及體重的簡單方法





Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple

Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple




(星島)2011年5月19日 星期四 06:30


(星島日報 報道)港人生活忙碌,下班後未必有時間烹煮新鮮食材,只能退而求其次以加工食品代替。但是營養師指出,頻密食用加工食品,會對健康構成負面影響,除增患各類慢性疾病如高血壓、高血脂風險之外,也可提升致癌危機。現選出五大營養價值最低的加工食物為例子,並提供用以替代的健怡食方作參考。

  文:Kaman 部分圖片:星島圖片庫


  提到加工食品,多數人均會聯想起罐頭食物,但其實加工食品可細分為多個不同種類。香港中文大學 公共衞生學院營養研究中心註冊營養師張可琪(上圖)解釋,加工食品可以分為穀類、肉類、菜類、水果、飲品和調味料。雖然進食方便,但由於大部分加工食物均加入不少鹽分、糖分等製作,經常進食會對身體健康構成風險。「經油炸的食物,如薯條、即食麵等,脂肪含量極高,易引起肥胖問題,同時增加患高血壓、糖尿病 、高血脂、高膽固醇等風險;而醃製肉類如午餐肉、香腸等,以大量鹽分製成,鈉質含量極高,會令身體儲水而形成水腫,亦可導致高血壓,影響心臟、腎臟功能。至於汽水因含高糖分,經常飲用則會引起蛀牙和肥胖問題,亦會干擾血糖平衡。」張稱。


  現時已有不少人關注加工食物致癌所引起的問題,研究發現與當中所含的化學物質有關。「若將含亞硝酸鹽的食物與含胺類食物同吃,會產生一種稱為亞硝胺的致癌物質。亞硝酸鹽常用來作肉類食物的防腐劑,多見於香腸、午餐肉等加工肉類,而胺則來自蛋白質 ,和乾燥的海產類食物,如蝦米、魷魚乾等。其次,亞硝胺也可於煙燻或鹽醃的肉類中找到,例如鹹魚。因此,多吃有機會增患大腸癌、胃癌、鼻咽癌的風險。」張補充。

  另部分人也可能會對加工食物中的味精和二氧化硫 產生食物敏感反應,患者進食後會出現紅疹、咳嗽等症狀,嚴重者甚至可以致命。另外,部分外國研究指出,食物色素會增患過度活躍症機會,雖然現時對於亞洲人暫沒有相關的研究,但亦不可忽視有關情況。


  食物名稱 薯片 即食麵 午餐肉 調味料 如豉油 汽水

  缺點 高脂肪、高反式脂肪、高鈉質。 高脂肪和反式脂肪。 鈉質高、蛋白質亦較新鮮肉類低。 鈉質高 含糖分、色素。

  健康風險 攝取過量脂肪會引致肥胖,增加患上糖尿病、高血脂等問題;鈉質高則增患高血壓。 攝取過量脂肪會引致肥胖,增加患上糖尿病、高血壓、高血脂等問題。 鈉質高有機會引起高血壓。 鈉質高有機會引起高血壓,另如習慣吃濃味的食物,會不自覺使用愈用愈多調味料,致惡性循環。 經常飲用含高糖分汽水會引致肥胖和蛀牙,甚至影響血糖,糖尿病患者要特別小心,避免飲用過多。

  健怡取代品 可選乳酪、粟米杯、栗子、烚番薯、烚蛋三文治、水果串等較低脂的小食,而且其亦含纖維素、鈣質等。 可以選生麵、白麵、通粉、意粉等較低脂的麵類,更可以加入新鮮蔬菜,增加纖維攝取。 可以選新鮮的瘦肉,如雞肉、魚肉、雞蛋、豆腐等,不但較低脂低鈉質,而且含豐富蛋白質。 可以新鮮調味料如蒜頭、薑、葱、胡椒粒等烹調,減低鈉質攝取。 可用新鮮水果製作奶昔、水果串及入饌,不含色素之餘,糖分亦相對較低。


  穀類: 餅乾、即食麵、薯片、薯條、「叮叮飯」等。

  肉類: 火腿、魚蛋、牛丸、午餐肉、香腸、鹹魚、鹹牛肉等。

  菜類: 梅菜、雪菜、榨菜等。

  水果: 果汁飲品、部分乾果等。

  甜食: 汽水、糖果等。






心肌肥厚 童年無病徵

心肌肥厚 童年無病徵

  • (6人)
  • 瀏覽人次:17,133

體格強壯的 12歲運動型少女離奇猝死,兒科醫生趙長城指,她極可能因心臟病發致命,懷疑與心跳紊亂或先天性心肌肥厚影響血液供應有關。他表示,女童上月兩度病發暈倒,可能是血液無法輸送到腦部所致,其中一個可能是心肌過肥影響血液流通,但真正死因要待剖屍化驗。


趙長城續稱,女童要佩戴的 24小時心律監察器( 24-hour holter monitor,圖),是常用的檢測心電圖儀器,用法是將儀器貼在胸口一日,記錄 24小時心律,未能找出病源的情況較為罕見。醫生亦會為心臟病患者做心臟酵素、心臟超聲波等臨床檢驗,全方位檢測心贓功能。
昨日猝死女童高約 5呎、重 130磅,趙長城指,她的身體質量指數( Body Mass Index)約 26.26,算是略胖。至於先天性心肌肥厚患者,童年時期並無病徵,踏入青少年時期心臟肌肉發育出現過厚,會影響血液流通引致心臟病發。


睡眠不足 當心肥胖找上門

睡眠不足 當心肥胖找上門

(路透)2011年5月16日 星期一 17:30

(路透紐約 16日電)1項歐洲研究發現,睡眠不足會讓1天顯得漫長,且似乎會讓新陳代謝 變慢,導致身體消耗較少能量。

這項發表於「美國 臨床營養雜誌」(AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition)的研究結果,為睡眠不足會造成體重增加提供證據,缺乏睡眠不僅會增加飢餓感,還會減緩卡路里燃燒率。

率領此研究的瑞典 烏普薩拉大學(UppsalaUniversity)貝尼狄克特(Christian Benedict)表示,這項研究顯示,睡眠充足可能防止體重增加。







一些研究觀察到睡5小時或5小時以下的人,更容易發胖和罹患體重相關的疾病,如第2型糖尿病 。但那些研究並未證明睡眠不足導致發胖。中央社(翻譯)


男大肚腩 激誘黃斑點病變

男大肚腩 激誘黃斑點病變

(星島)2011年5月16日 星期一 06:30


(星島日報 報道)過胖除增患心血管毛病風險外,更有機會影響眼睛健康。最近澳洲 便有研究指,大肚腩男士患黃斑點病變的風險較高。本港眼科醫生亦證實,腹部脂肪能反映眼底血管發炎的機率,而撇除中圍肥胖,黃斑點病變還有其他致病因素,由於此症可令視力永久受損,故必須正視及防患未然。

  文:Kaman 部分圖片:星島圖片庫







  除了肥胖問題,黃斑點病變亦會受到其他因素影響,高度風險因素包括年紀大、吸煙、家族遺傳、曾患白內障 等,「老年黃斑點病變是指因年齡增長而出現黃斑點退化,一般被視為五十歲或以上人士患上的高風險眼疾,而年紀愈大,患黃斑點病變機會將愈高。吸煙者亦較非吸煙人士的患病率高出三倍,因煙草中的有害物質會令眼睛的血管加劇硬化,令血管缺氧,從而損害黃斑區的細胞,增加病發機會。如有家族遺傳者,患病機會更較一般人高三至五倍。至於曾患白內障患者,其風險亦比常人高出二至三倍。此外,心臟病 、血壓高人士則增加約一至兩倍的患病風險,以血壓高為例,因其會增加視網膜出血的機率,故有較大機會影響到黃斑區的健康。」陳醫生解釋。






Factory Farmed Meat: Why It’s Not Good for Us

Factory Farmed Meat: Why It’s Not Good for Us

In the interest of being able to back up my eating choices with actual facts (I am not one of the lucky few in possession of a photographic memory, or even an I-took-good-notes memory), I decided to put together a little background on where most of our meat comes from. It’s one thing to be able to regale folks with my true stories of happy farm animals raised by loving people on local farms, but it’s another to be able to speak (or refer to my article) to the other and much larger side of meat production here in the U.S.

I firmly believe that what we eat makes a difference on all levels, from how we look and feel to how we think and reproduce. It also makes a difference on how we relate to each other as a society, when food is as relevant and important to our survival as water. When we get our food not from people, but from corporations, I believe a critical thread is cut in our societal fabric.

Every state in the U.S. save for 12 have “Extreme” density levels of factory farms. Extreme is the highest level designated by Food and Water Watch for their Factory Farm Map program. Massachusetts is the only state (with the exception of Alaska and Hawaii) with no higher level than”Moderate.” Only one single state in the contiguous U.S., West Virginia, has no factory farms. As for California, 15 of the state’s 58 counties (over 25 percent) partake in extreme density animal farms, mostly in the central valley, but surprisingly in Sonoma county as well.

This is a problem for several reasons:

  • pigs

    Corporate, factory-farmed meat edges out the old-fashioned family farm by undercutting market meat prices so far the family farms cannot survive.

  • Factory farms make their money by numbers, raising the number of animals crowded into one space; raising the speed at which animals grow by injecting them with growth hormones.
  • Factory farms keep hogs and chickens in totally enclosed buildings with no exposure to the outdoors or sunlight ever in their lives.
  • Factory farms maintain a constant use of antibiotics in their animals to keep these animals living in ridiculously unclean, crowded conditions, alive long enough to sell them to you as food.
  • Factory farms advertise that they are cleaner and provide more options at lower cost to consumers, but in reality they provide less choices at a higher cost, with greater risk for E. coli and Salmonella in your food.
  • The concentration of factory farms also concentrates their waste including antibiotics and hormones, that often make it into the meat you buy in the store, and always back into our environment, back into our drinking water and back into the water we use to irrigate our crops. [1]

Besides the fact that I cannot conceive of actual human beings (for they are the ones who run the corporations and the actual farms and slaughter houses) torturing an animal by forcing it to live so close to others it cannot move; forcing it to stand, lie or sit in its own waste; forcing it to grow faster or give more milk than nature intended by injecting it with hormones; forcing it injured, sick and dying to slaughter; besides all of that that I cannot bring myself to truly imagine from the perspective of the animal, I cannot conceive why we are still eating this: both the marketing and the product, as food.

- Jocelyn Broyles

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【本報訊】頂着一個大肚腩小心增加心臟病發風險,美國一項研究顯示肚腩的肥膏或是堵塞心臟血管,引致冠心病復發,甚至死亡的元凶。研究顯示擁有士啤呔的病人體重未必超標,體重指標( BMI)也不一定過高,但因冠心病死亡的風險卻較一般病人高 75%,顯示圍繞腰間及臀部的脂肪應是減磅重點。


著名醫學研究機構梅約診所( Mayo Clinic)綜合五項 15,923名冠心病患者的健康數據,分析比較他們腰臀脂肪比率及體重指標。發現腰臀脂肪最多的病人,因冠心病死亡的風險最高,較此部份脂肪最低的病人高 75%。再分析腰臀脂肪多的病人數據發現,大部份人體重並未超標,體重指標也在 20至 25的正常範圍,只是肚腩較大。
研究人員指體重指標只是計算體重與高度的比例,未能反映腰臀脂肪危害,故建議將量度腰臀脂肪納入冠心病患者常規檢查中。就算患者體重正常,也需定期量度,一旦發現肚腩有增大迹象,應勸喻病人及早控制飲食及多做運動。醫學界建議男士的腰圍不應超出 90厘米(約 35吋),女士則不宜超過 80厘米(約 31吋)。


Protein: Almonds Have as Much as Beef?

Protein: Almonds Have as Much as Beef?

posted by Jake Richardson Apr 27, 2011 7:01 am
Protein: Almonds Have as Much as Beef?

According to the nutrition website, beef sirloin (bottom, tri-tip, separable lean only, and trimmed to zero fat) has six grams of protein per ounce. Blanched almonds also have six grams of protein per ounce, according to the same site. They also contain six percent of the RDA for iron, while the beef sirloin contains just two percent. The almonds, however, contain quite a bit more unsaturated fat, because the beef sirloin has been trimmed to zero fat. They have 14 grams of unsaturated fat per ounce, with one gram of saturated fat, but it is plant-based fat and not animal fat. (Not all beef products listed on the site contain six grams of protein per ounce–some have more.) This comparison merely provides an example of how some vegetarian foods contain adequate amounts of protein, and in some cases are equal to the amount of protein in meat. People who bash vegetarian diets, often start with saying they are lacking protein, and therefore must be inferior.

So instead of having three ounces of beef sirloin tri-tip for eighteen grams of protein, one could have three ounces of almonds. Actually this type of beef is somewhat uncommon compared to ground beef. A University of Wisconsin food safety sheet on reducing fat in beef says a popular form of ground beef contains seventy percent lean meat, and thirty percent fat. The point of reducing the animal fat is to protect the heart, as animal fat can contribute to heart disease. They cite one statistic saying in just one year the per person beef consumption in the United States was nearly sixty-five pounds.

A website for the U.S Dept of Agriculture says about 3.5 ounces of ground beef that is thirty percent fat, also contains 11 grams of saturated fat. Everyone needs protein, but we also need to limit the amount of saturated fat. For example, the American Heart Association says a female aged 31-50 who is sedentary, should get less than 16 grams of saturated fat per day, so just 3.5 ounces of ground beef (that is thirty percent fat) would be well more than half of the daily saturated fat allowance. Three ounces of almonds though, would be only three grams of saturated fat, and nearly equal in protein as ground beef might have seven grams per ounce, rather than the six per ounce from almonds.

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