HealthPointe 2.0 促進健康及體重的簡單方法





Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple

Weight Management and Wellness · Made Simple


醫療新知 胖童易有腎病



胖童要注意腎臟問題。一項日本的研究替 1,830名 6至 14歲兒童及青少年進行身體檢查,在尿液測試中,意外發現 27名兒童有持續蛋白尿及尿液中紅血球增多等腎病症狀。研究人員比較參加者的身體狀況,排除由先天引發的腎臟問題,研究發現過重及癡肥或血壓超出正常的兒童,出現腎病症狀的風險遠高於體重及血壓正常兒童。


肥胖易患椎間盤退化 腰痛難忍 嚴重可致失禁

港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系由 2001起,針對 3,500名市民進行椎間盤退化的追蹤研究。研究人員分析當中 2,599名年齡介乎 21至 63歲人士的磁力共振檢查數據,結果發現有 73%人出現椎間盤退化,當中 45%人的體重指數( BMI,計算方法為:體重(公斤)除以身高(米) 2次方)屬過重或肥胖。
游泳練腹肌 紓緩腰痛
研究進一步分析體重與椎間盤退化關係,發現過重人士( BMI指數 23至 27.5)出現椎間盤退化機率,較體重正常人士( BMI指數 18.5至 23)高 30%,嚴重退化機率則高 21%。肥胖人士( BMI指數超過 27.5)椎間盤退化問題更嚴重,出現退化機率較正常體重人士高 79%,嚴重退化風險則高 72%。
衞生署數字顯示本港成年人口近四成有過重及肥胖問題,男性過重及肥胖比率更高達 48.3%。張文智呼籲肥胖者應調整飲食及進行低強度運動,例如步行,減輕體重,避免椎間盤加速退化。


麥當勞「肥仔餐」 如吃6碗飯

麥當勞「肥仔餐」 如吃6碗飯



薯餅牛肉加煙肉 去年曾推



高卡高脂高鈉 吃3餐肥1磅








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美研究:長者日飲健怡汽水 心臟病風險增44%

美研究:長者日飲健怡汽水 心臟病風險增44%


或另有致病原因 難證關係

美國邁阿密大學向2564名69歲或以上人士,作為期10年的研究,結果當中591人出現心臟病、中風或死於心血管問題,分析顯示每日飲用健怡汽水的人士,出現心臟病及中風的機率高44%,研究結果刊載於醫學期刊《Journal of General Internal Medicine》。







Protein-Rich Breakfast Could Prevent Overeating Later

News: Study Suggests Protein-Rich Breakfast Could Prevent Overeating Later

by Bari Lieberman · 8 months ago · Health

The fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is old news. But according to a team of researchers,what is consumed is just as important. A new study suggests that consuming a high-protein breakfast reduces hunger throughout the day [1]. Is there anything that breakfast can’t do?

The study found that breakfast eaters in general (regardless of the protein level) displayed feelings of reduced hunger in addition to previous findings of improved cognitive function and academic performance [2]. But those who consumed a higher protein meal displayed even greater changes in appetite. The findings led researchers to believe that eating high-protein breakfast may be the key to appetite control.






  文:Kaman 圖:星島圖片庫

  (健營 食)


Bread Beats Chips As Our #1 Source of Sodium

Bread Beats Chips As Our #1 Source of Sodium

Bread Beats Chips As Our #1 Source of Sodium

Written by Mike Stobbe

ATLANTA (AP) — Bread and rolls are the No. 1 source of salt in the American diet, accounting for more than twice as much sodium as salty junk food like potato chips.

That surprising finding comes in a government report released Tuesday that includes a list of the top 10 sources of sodium. Salty snacks actually came in at the bottom of the list compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn — which we think of as the saltiest foods in our diet — are only No. 10,” said CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden.

Breads and rolls aren’t really saltier than many of the other foods, but people tend to eat a lot of them, said Mary Cogswell, a CDC senior scientist who co-authored the report.

Salt is the main source of sodium for most people, and sodium increases the risk of high blood pressure, a major cause of heart disease and stroke. Health officials say most Americans get too much salt, mostly from processed and restaurant foods — not added from the salt shaker.

Experts have known that the sodium in breads and certain other foods can add up, but even CDC officials were amazed that just 10 foods are responsible for 44 percent of the sodium consumed.

“It’s possible to eat a whole bunch of sodium without it seeming salty,” noted John Hayes, an assistant professor of food science at Penn State, who was not involved in the report.

According to the CDC, breads and rolls account for about 7 percent of the salt that the average American eats in a day. Next on the list: cold cuts and cured meats; pizza; fresh and processed poultry; soups; fast-food hamburgers and sandwiches and cheese.

Rounding out the list — and accounting for about 3 percent each — are spaghetti and other pasta dishes; meatloaf and other meat dishes and snacks like potato chips and pretzels.

Dietary guidelines recommend no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day, equal to about a teaspoon of salt. Certain people, such as those with high blood pressure, should eat even less. But average sodium consumption in the U.S. is around 3,300 milligrams, the CDC study found. Only 1 in 10 Americans meet the teaspoon guideline.

The amount of sodium in food types can vary. For example, a slice of white bread can have between 80 and 230 milligrams of sodium. A cup of canned chicken noodle soup has between 100 and 940 milligrams and 3 ounces of luncheon meat has between 450 and 1,050 milligrams. A small 1 ounce bag of potato chips ranges from 50 to 200 milligrams.

The new CDC report is based on surveys of more than 7,200 people in 2007 and 2008, including nearly 3,000 children. Participants were surveyed twice, each time answering detailed questions about what they had eaten over the previous day. Researchers then broke down what they ate into categories, and assigned sodium amounts.

Salt reduction has become a recent focus of public health campaigns, and some major food makers have taken steps or announced plans to gradually reduce sodium in their products.

CDC officials — who have long encouraged people to eat more fruits and vegetables — stopped short of advising people to lay off the bread. But they are encouraging consumers to read labels and, for example, buy brands of bread that have lower sodium.

“People can choose how much salt to add to their food at the table. They can’t take it out once it’s there,” Frieden said.

There’s another way to consume less sodium. “Eat smaller portions,” Hayes said.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press

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