Is Your Liver Stressed?
posted by Michelle Schoffro Cook
Your liver is truly miraculous. It has over five hundred different functions, making it one of the most overworked organs in your body. A few of these functions include: storing certain vitamins, minerals and sugars for use as fuel; controlling both the production and excretion of cholesterol; and creating the thousands of enzymes that control virtually every function of your body. The liver also secretes a substance called bile that is stored in the gallbladder and helps to break down fats. The liver metabolises proteins, fats and carbohydrates and performs more biochemical tasks than any other organ in your body.
It must filter all foreign substances that enter your body, including: alcohol, tobacco, environmental pollutants, food additives, pesticides, common cosmetic ingredients, household products, pharmaceutical and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, caffeine, and much more.
The average person consumes fourteen pounds of food preservatives, additives, waxes, colourings, flavors, antimicrobials, and pesticide residues–all of which have to be filtered by your liver. It is critical in our modern age of chemical exposure to keep your liver functioning as efficiently as possible.
There are many signs or symptoms of liver stress. Yes, of course, these symptoms can be related to other conditions so you should always consult a physician if you’re suffering from any symptoms. And, yes, many people will have some of these symptoms. But, if you have many of the following symptoms you may wish to support your liver through diet and lifestyle improvements.
Here are many of the symptoms and conditions linked to a stressed out liver:
-bad breath or a coated tongue;
-chronic fatigue syndrome;
-cravings for sweets;
-environmental illness/multiple chemical sensitivities;
-fluid retention;
-headaches and migraines;
-high blood pressure;
-high cholesterol levels;
-hypoglycemia (unstable blood sugar levels);
-hormone imbalances;
-immune system disorders;
-irritable bowel syndrome;
-mood swings;
-overweight or obesity;
-poor digestion or indigestion;
-recurring nausea and/or vomiting;
-skin diseases; and
-ulcerative colitis.
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